Welcome to resources for wellbeing, expansion and awareness

My basic framework for mentorship is the Human Design system, as it provides me a solid and holistic foundation for supporting myself and others in a sustainable way. My energy type is Reflector 1/3. If needed and suitable, I intuitively combine HD with my knowledge of other systems and tools such as the Gene Keys and Reiki, being a licenced Reiki II practitioner.

However, nothing outside ourselves can give us answers about how to live and serve in our most aligned ways. There are only clues within systems and then it’s our own responsibility to explore, test and validate what works for us in the moment by moment experience of real life - and to make the right decisions for ourselves from there. We are all built to find the answers within, but sometimes we need help with getting in touch with that innate wisdom. Therefore my aim is not to teach you a system, belief or to rely on someone other than yourself, but to help you reconnect with the wisdom within yourself, so that you know how to recognise what’s right for you.

I was introduced to the awareness tool Human Design in 2018 and was lucky to start my deconditioning journey with teaching from Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert, both direct students of Ra Uru Hu, who was the founder of the Human Design system. I continued with several official courses at IHDSchool, own studies of the original material and private teaching from different certified Human Design analysts, teachers and guides, while also testing out what I had learnt.

It has become clear to me that true awareness is not about mental knowing, but about recognising embodied awareness and honoring that.

Through my explorations I have learnt that I’m at my best when approached with a specific need. That helps me to find and reveal the exact reflections that are meant for you. I am here to help you see yourself and your situation more clearly, so that you can live well, in flow, as the unique being you are.

Do you want to ask me something to find out if it’s right for you to work with me? Feel free to send a message through the contact page.

Remember: what we want is not always what we most need. If we decide to work together, I will do my best to serve your truest need, from my heart. Until then. . .

With gratitude,
